Density separation and deligniting
Almost all sand and gravel plants in the Netherlands suffer from wood or lignite particles in the sand and gravel. So over the years we built a vast experience with the available methods and equipment all over Europe.
Furthermore, density separation is also used in many recycling projects.
For finer fractions, different techniques are available like the Allmineral Allflux, WIMA flatbottom classifyers, McLanahan flatbottom and T-type separators and SWMS/Krebs coal spirals.
For coarser material, there is only one machine that really does the (difficult) job: the Allmineral Alljig. Over the years we have supplied more than 25 of these units in different applications.
“The right machine for the right purpose” is very applicable for this type of equipment, so tell us your problem and we will give you an independent advice!
Some examples of successful applications: